Walking Off Halloween Candy Calories: The 7,000-8,000 Step Solution
Halloween marks a brief time of spooky decorations, chilling tales, and, for many of us, an irresistible assortment of sugary treats. Whether you're a parent sneaking candies from your child's stash or simply can't resist those workplace candy bowls, the post-Halloween sugar rush is all too real.
But what about the health and weight consequences of eating all these extra calories? Well, walking a little bit more might help counteract those adverse effects!
In this article, we explore how creating a daily routine of walking 7,000 to 8,000 steps can offset those sweet temptations and help you take strides toward better health.
Why Walking Matters
As more and more research comes out, we’re noticing that it’s not just about intentional workouts when it comes to overall health. Rather, overall movement throughout the day matters more.
The big problem is that many individuals work sedentary jobs, sitting at a desk all day. This often means we need to plan bouts of movement or walking in order to look after our health and wellness in the best way possible.
In fact, one study showed how individuals who walked one hour each day lost inches off of their waistline when compared to those who attempted to lose weight by diet alone.
And walking doesn’t just burn calories! Here are the benefits of walking 7,000-8,000 steps per day.
Maintenance of lean muscle mass
Reduction in belly fat
Improved mood
Lowered risk of various chronic diseases
Better posture
Another study further showed that increasing walking distance to 8,000 steps per day at least one to two days a week significantly lowered the risk of death by cardiovascular events.
So, How Can You Walk More?
Adding another thing to the to-do list can seem daunting. Yet, starting small and slowly building up can help mitigate this pressure and stress. So, here are a few tips to help you get started.
Try 5-10 minutes of walking here and there, and slowly build.
Take calls while you walk.
Use a wearable fitness tracker for motivation and accountability.
Catch up with family and friends by walking.
Walk your dog or join a friend when they walk their dog.
Walk to work (if possible). If this isn’t possible, try parking as far away in the lot as you can to increase your steps.
Try hiking!
Our team at Tampa Spine and Wellness is here to help. Whether you’ve recently experienced an injury or simply want to enhance your overall wellness, chiropractic care in Tampa can help you achieve your goals. Book your appointment today!
