5 Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips From Your Tampa Chiropractor
Halloween is a fun-filled time with lots of treats and ghastly costumes! Yet, while exciting, there are a few precautions you and your family definitely want to take. So, what are a some safety tips you should keep in mind this spooky season? Your local Tampa Chiropractor has a few!
Tip #1: Make sure you and your child’s costumes are visible in the dark.
Since many of the ongoings around Halloween take place after dark, you want to make sure your children are visible, even after the sun goes down. Trick-or-treating often involves the zig-zaging across various roads and rows of houses, which can pose a risk.
Yet, you can do this in a few sneaky ways and without ruining any costumes. For example, you can encourage your child to wear reflective lights or hide LED strips within their costume.
Tip #2: Create a family safety plan.
What if an emergency happens? Well, it’s much easier when you have a plan for that. For example, you might want to set a particular emergency meeting spot. Or you may want to ensure everyone has a way to contact one another, if needed. This may mean ensuring one adult with a cellphone is with each group of kids or giving older kids a cellphone for the evening.
Tip #3: Choose a posture-friendly costume.
High heels, prosthetics, or various bodily attachments can cause tons of stress and strain on the body. While they may seem like great ideas, you or your child might not think so an hour into festivities. In fact, these strains can spillover and cause pain in the days that follow.
Instead, select light and easy-to-wear costumes that don’t require the body to carry any heavy weight. After all, many will already be carrying a bag full of candy!
Tip #4: Proactively prepare for the evening.
Do your children typically head to bed around the time of trick-or-treating? If so, it might be a good idea to sneak in a nap during the day or after school so that they don’t get too grumpy when trick-or-treating time rolls around. This can help alleviate any “sugar high” after-effects that indulging in potentially a little too much candy might have.
Tip #5: Check and monitor candy consumption.
es, Halloween tends to revolve around the candy aspect side of things. And while some candy is okay, too many refined sugars isn’t good for one’s overall health.
High amounts of refined sugar in the diet are associated with increased cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and chronic inflammation. Experts state that most individuals shouldn’t consume more than 24 grams of refined sugar per day.
So, what does this mean for parents? It means allow your child to choose one or two candies at a time, rather than giving them full reign on it.
Lastly, make sure you check the candy before they eat it. Unfortunately, there are some individuals who add needles and other entities to candy, and each year this is always something to watch out for.
If you’re out driving during the trick-or-treating festivities and get in a car accident, the top doctors at Tampa Spine and Wellness are here to help. Book your appointment today https://www.tampaspineandwellness.com/contact
