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4 Healthy Tips to Start the New Year Off Right

With the new year upon us, many of us strive to get back into the swing of things. Now that the holidays have come and gone, we’re back into routine. Some of us may also be feeling the guilt from over-indulging throughout the festivities. So, what can you do to get back on track?

From our team at Tampa Spine and Wellness, here are a few healthy tips to get your new year off to the right start.

Tip #1: Walk more!

Simply saying “start an exercise routine” often has much more to it than just joining a gym. Usually, there are countless barriers to exercise, including confidence, knowing what to do, and more. So, let’s keep it ultra-simple: Start walking more instead.

Can’t find a parking spot close to the door? That’s okay; Park farther away and walk it. Is the store only a 20-minute walk away? Don’t drive! Walk. Need motivation during your work day? A walk can help!

Research shows how daily walks can increase your lifespan and longevity. So, get walking! Every little bit counts.

Tip #2: Limit pre-packaged food items in your home.

Do you always down the package of cookies as soon as it’s open? Don’t buy it. Resist temptation by getting rid of it or not bringing it into your home.

This can be a great refresh for your kitchen as well. Go through your pantry and fridge. Are there refined food items you’d rather not eat? Give them away or get rid of them!

Limiting these types of foods will help you adopt a whole-food diet, which is abundantly more nutritious and health-friendly.

Tip #3: Commit to going to bed and waking up at the same times.

Sleep is frequently thrown curbside, especially when it comes to consideration regarding our health. Yet, getting your sleep in check is one of the best things you can do. You’ll get sick less often. It’ll be easier to avoid cravings (and maintain a healthy weight!). You’ll also seriously lower your risk of chronic and life-threatening diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

For healthy sleep habits, try these:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same times each day.

  • Sleep in a cool, dark, and quiet room.

  • Avoid screens one to two hours before bed.

  • Try performing a relaxing wind-down routine, like reading or yoga, before bed.

  • Make sure your pillow and mattress aren’t hindering your sleep!

Tip #4: Visit your local Tampa chiropractor.

If you want to further enhance your health and wellness and start this year off right, consider booking a visit with your local Tampa chiropractor. Spinal misalignments can impact your body in more ways than one. Ensure you get on top of them before they get in the way of your life. For the best chiropractor in Tampa, contact the Tampa Spine and Wellness team. Schedule your appointment today!

Picture of things to do to make you healthier in the new year.  Walk more. Limit pre-packaged foods. Go to bed early and get restful sleep.  Set up a routine. Visit your local Tampa chiropractor at Tampa Spine and Wellness


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