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Ways Active Physical Therapy Can Help Sciatica Pain After Car Accidents

Car accidents can be eye-opening, life-flashes-before-your-eyes situations. They can further lead to long-lasting emotional and mental impacts, along with physical challenges. For instance, sciatica is a common occurrence after an auto accident, and this can undeniably impact your day-to-day life.

However, active physical therapy offers a scientifically proven treatment option that can help pave the road toward recovery. So, if you’re suffering from sciatic symptoms, our team at Tampa Spine & Wellness is here to help. Below, we take a closer look at how active physical therapy can help you bounce back from sciatica after a car accident.

Why Should You See a Physical Therapist After a Car Accident?

A physical therapist specializes in disorders and injuries impacting the musculoskeletal system. Ultimately, the goal of any physical therapy treatment is to help improve function, alleviate pain, and improve mobility. So, should you see a physical therapist after a car accident? Can they help you move past sciatica? Here are three benefits you should know about!

1. Physical Therapy Helps Alleviate Pain and Inflammation

The age-old advice for back pain used to be bed rest. However, resting can actually be counterproductive for back pain and sciatica. In recent years, experts recommend getting up and moving as this is crucial for making full recovery. 

However, understandably, you might feel hesitate or even fearful of moving your body the “wrong” way. Well, this is where a physical therapist can help. With physical therapy in Tampa, you can work alongside an expert who can guide you on proper exercises so that you can regain full mobility and function.

Interestingly, research has shown that physical therapy interventions can lead to meaningful health improvements for patients with sciatica. In fact, patients receiving joint mobility interventions or undergoing general exercise are more likely to notice improvements compared to those who didn’t receive such interventions.

2. Physical Therapy Helps Promote Healing

The jolting effect a car accident can have on your body can lead to varying degrees of pain and inflammation. In turn, this can lead to compression of the sciatic nerve, causing sciatic symptoms. 

However, exercise, such as that prescribed in physical therapy, can help reduce inflammation — even in as little as 20 minutes! This can speed up the healing process and help you well on your way toward easing back into your regular activities. 

3. Physical Therapy Helps to Restore Mobility and Flexibility

With more movement through active physical therapy, you can also regain mobility and flexibility. Often, these become limited due to pain and muscular tension. However, with exercise and manual adjustments suited to you and your needs, you can overcome these limitations. 

It’s entirely possible to make a full recovery from sciatica. Sometimes, you just need the right guidence to get you to where you need to be.

Are you ready to try active physical therapy? Curious how it might help ease your sciatic symptoms and help you regain back control of your life? Contact the Tampa Spine and Wellness team today!

Physical therapy exercise for sciatica pain due to a car acciden
Active physical therapy strengthening



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